RE: Ok

Jeffrey Baker (jwb nospam at
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 13:56:09 -0800

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-freecddb-developer nospam at

> I beat you to it last night :-)
> Please refer to for more info.
> However, I would not hold that up as the de facto reference. While
> Python is a fantastic language, having a reference implementation in C
> would probably be better. Hell, I'd rather see an Apache module
> myself... (I may do this based on some of my mod_dav work)
> So... if you're itching to code, then please go for it. Take a look at
> the spec and table design that I posted to the web site; if that agrees
> with you, then you're set.

I have said before, and I will say again, and I think many people agree with
me. There is no way that a relational database is going to scale to the
project at hand. The XML must just be in flat files. It would be *so* much
faster, easier to mirror, vastly more extensible, etc. If you have a
relational database, you lose the extensibility of the XML.

> Of course, if you're talking about the *client* side... well. Go fight
> it out with Mike Oliphant :-)