Re: GUI cdindex client for Win32

robert nospam at
Tue, 16 Mar 1999 09:14:55 -0800 (PST)

On 16 Mar, Chris Stoffel wrote:
> Robert,
> Finally got the GUI client done (actually, I had it done for a while, but
> I just got it packaged up and ready to go). It is now 1.0.0 compliant.
> You can find it at:
> The poorly documented source is at
> I had a great (at least I think so) idea yesterday. I think I have come up
> with a way for people to easily get their "cdplayer.ini" data into the
> cdindex. The steps:
> 1) User would insert the CD so the cdindex and cdplayer.ini id's could be
> generated.
> 2) From the client the user would check to see if the artist/album exists
> in the cdindex. Same process - letter, artist, then album - but in the
> client instead of the browser. This would involve some perl code on the
> backend to send artists/albums in plain text so the client could handle it
> more easily.
> 3) If the artist/album exists, add the new id. If it doesn't, submit the
> CD with the cdindex-type information (code, offsets, etc.) and the
> cdplayer.ini-type info (artist, album, tracks). This may involve some
> perl coding to allow a complete artist/album/tracks submission from the query
> string.
> Does this sound like it's worth it? If it is, I would love to tackle it.
> I have already tested some of the cdplayer.ini stuff, and I can program
> perl (my site,, runs off of perl/MySQL) so I
> could tackle to back-end piece, too. Should only take a week or so, maybe
> less.

Yes! I would love it if you'd do this. I am planning on writing a perl
script that takes in an XML object that contains all the info for a
submission and sends it to the server. Maybe your client could just
create XML objects and throw them onto the server, bypassing the
browser submission pages.

Also. would you like me to post your programs or link to them?

--ruaok Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing

Robert Kaye -- robert nospam at