XML? You are making this much too fun! :)
Sounds cool. I haven't done much XML (okay, I haven't done any), but I
would love to give it a try.
I will do as much of the front-end as possible without the XML. Let me
know your plans for the XML piece, and I will fit that in.
I would still need the text-only artist and album listings. I could grab
the code and do that if you want. That's up to you.
I'm excited! I am a real open-source fan, and I have been looking for a
project to contribute to. I hope I can help out here!
> Also. would you like me to post your programs or link to them?
If you have the bandwidth, post 'em. I am on a pretty small pipe, so if
there are a lot of downloads it could really hurt. If you are in the same
situation, go ahead and link 'em.