Re: CD Index reference client - License change to relaxed BSD style

Marc van Woerkom (marc nospam at
Mon, 14 Jun 1999 04:51:52 -0700

> What does it mean to "add access" and how does the GPL hinder it?

It is about a future library version of the client.

If one wants to have non-GPL-conform programs to use a
library version of the CD Index (do we?) one would have to
change to LGPL at least.

I would like to see as many people use the CD Index as possible.
The license should ensure that system and data stay public.

IMHO both BSD and GPL would do the job, while taking a
different attitude to commercial use.

The reference client should implement our open standard,
and it should not keep out commercial applications.
Note that GPL is not open regarding this matter.

GPL has an intrinsic force to move users towards GPL -
one has to decide on a case base if one desires to let
this force act on ones users.

So restricting the server to GPL causes me less trouble,
as long as the protocolls stay open.
