Re: CD Index reference client - License change to relaxed BSD style

Ben Wong (cdindex nospam at
Mon, 14 Jun 1999 12:40:10 -0700 (PDT)

>>>>> "Marc" == marc <marc nospam at> writes:

Ben> What does it mean to "add access" and how does the GPL hinder it?

Marc> It is about a future library version of the client.

Marc> If one wants to have non-GPL-conform programs to use a
Marc> library version of the CD Index (do we?) one would have to
Marc> change to LGPL at least.

I think even rms would agree that we shouldn't use the GPL in this
case. We want to make a de facto standard and there's already a
similar library under a different license (the CDDB). GPLing our
library wouldn't do anything but hurt CD Index.

I suggest we move the library to the LGPL but keep the client and
server under the GPL. That would allow for commercial applications
and ensure the system remains public.
