Re: Classifying music samples (MP3/WAV/...)

Rob Reid (reid nospam at
Wed, 22 Sep 1999 13:20:38 -0400

At 1:32 PM EDT on September 22 Paul Ashton sent off:
> It seems to me that there has to be a better way to classify music
> than to rely on a CD TOC. How hard would it be to perform
> some sound analysis of the underlying waveform, extract some
> fundemental characteristics and then use those as the key
> to a database? Granted, it's not going to be very simple, but
> is a lot simpler than, say, voice recognition.
> For example,
> Record the time of the first N pitch/power/volume peaks.

This is a great idea, but as is it wouldn't distinguish between different
compilations with the same first song. But a hash of the first few bars of
each song on the CD should do the trick.

"We all know Linux is does infinite loops in 5 seconds." -- Linus
Robert I. Reid <reid nospam at>
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