Re: CD index DTD weird

robert nospam at
Mon, 7 Jun 1999 18:29:42 -0700 (PDT)

On 30 May, Jared wrote:
> At 11:02 AM 5/30/99 -0700, you wrote:
>>-- this is my first DTD and I asked
>>people to take a look at it, and you're the first person to step
>>forward. Thanks!
>>Thanks -- I used to use PHP, but it ended up being too slow (that was
>>before they sped it up 100 fold). Since then I've gotten converted to
>>the Perl... But, what is Zend?
>>Are you possibly interested in helping out with the project?
> I have a pretty decent knowledge of valid and well-formed XML/DTD setup if
> you would like me to take a look at the DTD just point me to it. Zend is a

Cool -- I think I'm set for what I need now, but I have this feeling
that other XML projects are headed my way, so I may very well take you
up on your offer. Thanks!

--ruaok Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing

Robert Kaye -- robert nospam at